QTP Excel Methods & Sample Programs
Create excel file and enter some data save it
Create excel file and enter some data save it
- '###############################################
- 'Create excel file and enter some data save it
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Add New Workbook
- Set workbooks=excel.Workbooks.Add()
- 'Set the value in First row first column
- excel.Cells(1,1).value="testing"
- 'Save Work Book
- workbooks.saveas"D:\excel.xls"
- 'Close Work Book
- workbooks.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set workbooks=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Reading Values from a Specific excel Sheet
- '###############################################
- ' Reading Values from a Specific excel Sheet
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Open the Excel File
- Set workbook=excel.Workbooks.Open("D:\excel.xls")
- 'Get the Control on Specific Sheet
- Set worksheet1=excel.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1")
- ' Display the Values
- Msgbox worksheet1.cells(1,1).value
- 'Close Work Book
- workbook.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set worksheet1=Nothing
- Set workbook=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Deleting Rows from Excel Sheet
- '###############################################
- ' Deleting Rows from Excel Sheet
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Open the Excel File
- Set workbook=excel.Workbooks.Open("D:\excel.xls")
- 'Get the Control on Specific Sheet
- Set worksheet1=excel.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1")
- 'Delete Row1
- worksheet1.Rows("1:1").delete
- 'Save Excel
- workbook.SaveAs("D:\excel.xls")
- 'Close Work Book
- workbook.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set worksheet1=Nothing
- Set workbook=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Add and Delete ExcelSheet
- ############################################
- ' Add and Delete ExcelSheet
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Open Existing Excel File
- Set workbook=excel.Workbooks.Open("D:\excel.xls")
- 'Add New Sheet
- Set newsheet=workbook.sheets.Add
- 'Assign a Name
- newsheet.name="raj"
- 'Delete Sheet
- Set delsheet=workbook.Sheets("raj")
- delsheet.delete
- 'Close Work Book
- workbook.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set newsheet=Nothing
- Set delsheet=Nothing
- Set workbook=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Copy an Excel Sheet of one Excel File to another Excel File
- '###############################################
- ' Copy an Excel Sheet of one Excel File to another Excel File
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Open First Excel File
- Set workbook1=excel.Workbooks.Open("D:\excel1.xls")
- 'Open Second Excel File
- Set workbook2=excel.Workbooks.Open("D:\excel2.xls")
- 'Copy data from first excel file sheet
- workbook1.Worksheets("raj").usedrange.copy
- 'Paste Data to Second Excel File Sheet
- workbook2.Worksheets("Sheet1").pastespecial
- 'Save Workbooks
- workbook1.Save
- workbook2.Save
- 'Close Workbooks
- workbook1.Close
- workbook2.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set workbook1=Nothing
- Set workbook2=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Comapre Two Excel Sheets Cell By Cell for a specific Range
- ###############################################
- ' Comapre Two Excel Sheets Cell By Cell for a specific Range
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Open Excel File
- Set workbook=excel.Workbooks.Open("D:\excel.xls")
- 'Get Control on First Sheet
- Set sheet1=excel.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1")
- 'Get Control on Second Sheet
- Set sheet2=excel.Worksheets.Item("Sheet2")
- 'Give the specific range for Comparision
- CompareRangeStartRow=1
- NoofRows2Compare=4
- CompareRangeStartColumn=1
- NoofColumns2Compare=4
- 'Loop through Rows
- For r=CompareRangeStartRow to(CompareRangeStartRow+(NoofRows2Compare-1))
- 'Loop through columns
- For c=CompareRangeStartColumn to(CompareRangeStartColumn+(NoofColumns2Compare-1))
- 'Get Value from the First Sheet
- value1=Trim(sheet1.cells(r,c))
- 'Get Value from the Second Sheet
- value2=Trim(sheet2.cells(r,c))
- 'Compare Values
- If value1<>value2 Then
- ' If Values are not matched make the text with Red color
- sheet2.cells(r,c).font.color=vbred
- End If
- Next
- Next
- 'Save workbook
- workbook.Save
- 'Close Work Book
- workbook.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set sheet1=Nothing
- Set sheet2=Nothing
- Set workbook=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Reading complete data from excel file
- ###############################################
- ' Reading complete data from excel file
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Open Excel File
- Set workbook=excel.Workbooks.Open("D:\excel.xls")
- 'Get Control on Sheet
- Set worksheet=excel.Worksheets.Item("raj")
- 'Get the count of used columns
- ColumnCount=worksheet.usedrange.columns.count
- 'Get the count of used Rows
- RowCount=worksheet.usedrange.rows.count
- 'Get the Starting used Row and column
- top=worksheet.usedrange.row
- lft=worksheet.usedrange.column
- 'Get cell object to get the values cell by cell
- Set cells=worksheet.cells
- 'Loop through Rows
- For row=top to (RowCount-1)
- rdata=""
- 'Loop through Columns
- For col=lft to ColumnCount-1
- 'Get Cell Value
- word=cells(row,col).value
- 'concatenate all row cell values into one variable
- rdata=rdata&vbtab&word
- Next
- 'Print complete Row Cell Values
- print rdata
- Next
- 'Close Work Book
- workbook.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set worksheet=Nothing
- Set workbook=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Read complete data from an Excel Sheet content
- #############################################
- ' Read complete data from an Excel Sheet content
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Open Excel File
- Set workbook=excel.Workbooks.open("D:\excel.xlsx")
- 'Get Control on Sheet
- Set worksheet=excel.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1")
- 'Get Used Row and Column Count
- rc=worksheet.usedrange.rows.count
- cc=worksheet.usedrange.columns.count
- 'Loop through Rows
- For Row=1 to rc
- 'Loop through Columns
- For Column=1 to cc
- 'Get Cell Data
- RowData=RowData&worksheet.cells(Row,Column)&vbtab
- Next
- RowData=RowData&vbcrlf
- Next
- 'Display complete Data
- msgbox RowData
- 'Close Work Book
- workbook.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set worksheet=Nothing
- Set workbook=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Assign Colours to Excel Sheet Cells, Rows
- ###############################################
- ' Assign Colours to Excel Sheet Cells, Rows
- '###############################################
- 'Create Excel Object
- Set excel=createobject("excel.application")
- 'Make it Visible
- excel.Visible=True
- 'Add a New work book
- Set workbook=excel.workbooks.add()
- 'Get the Excel Sheet
- Set worksheet=excel.worksheets(1)
- 'Coloring Excell Sheet Rows
- Set objrange=excel.activecell.entirerow
- objrange.cells.interior.colorindex=37
- 'Coloring Excell Sheet Cell
- worksheet.cells(2,1).interior.colorindex=36
- 'Save Excel
- workbook.SaveAs("D:\excel.xls")
- 'Close Work Book
- workbook.Close
- 'Quit from Excel Application
- excel.Quit
- 'Release Variables
- Set objrange=Nothing
- Set worksheet=Nothing
- Set workbook=Nothing
- Set excel=Nothing
Nice and very useful